So I was reading Make Magazine and some dude decided the only way he could beat his kid at Guitar Hero was to cheat. So he made some sort of video recognition hardware and a custom controller to play guitar hero automatically. What a geek. Awesome.
I, on the other hand, was so pathetic at doing a kettlebell snatch at the gym that The Head Honcho told me to just do a high pull during the workout of the day. So much easier. So much better to be pathetic sometimes.
I found another funny picture of me on the gym’s blog. It’s during Mark’s first muscle-up (he’s not a cheater) and I’m so happy that I’m getting a cheeseburger that I’m grinning like a fool. No, really, we were pretty psyched for Mark who looks pretty happy as well. I’ve probably mentioned before that it’s a difficult maneuver and quite an accomplishment to finish a muscle up.
And mentioning cheating, I did have a birthday hamburger on 4/14, but no cheeseburgers since the one The Head Honcho bought me on 4/9!