The best place to watch fireworks.

In the past few years, I either go outside to watch the fireworks from the hill above the school, or get invited to someone’s boat. The boats are the best way to see fireworks close up. So that means either hobnobbing with the yacht owners at the Columbia River Yacht Club or with the giant-house-small-boat owners in Lake Oswego. I have been unable to gain enough brownie points to hang out with the yacht club people, but my buddy Deren came back from Hawaii to visit his parents in Lake Zero and invited me to watch the fireworks from their boat.

If it wasn’t for friends inviting me out on the 4th of July, I’d be on the hillside across the street. It’s quick, it’s easy, there’s no crowds, and it has the added benefit of being able to watch the rich kids set off their expensive fireworks in the school yard. And I can go hide at any time, since it’s usually overcast and drizzly on the 7/4 in Portland.

My buddy Deren also convinced me to go with him to hike Mt. Adams. I’m actually dreading it a little because it sounds hard. Anything that requires that kind of exertion and getting up early sounds like bad news to me. I have to stay awake at work, after all. Weekends are for sleeping, not working that hard.