Turns out THMFIC at the gym is really sensitive about what I write about him, so I’m going to blithely ignore his objections and keep saying whatever the hell I feel like saying. Depressing things that don’t exaggerate his complaining ONE IOTA. Hah.
One of the songs heard at the gym is the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” The simple philosophy appeals to many, including THMFIC. I can list the things I couldn’t get tonight.
- I went out to look for a cheap furnace air filter. Turns out the only ones I could find that fit are at Home Depot and cost $31. With all the dust generated by the construction, I figured I get some cheaper ones, but I can’t find any.
- The bathroom sink doesn’t drain very well, so I took it all apart again and snaked the drain. I got nasty wastewater all over me, and the improvement is minimal.
- I wanted to come home to less of a mess than the contractors made.
The other part of the song says, “You find sometimes, you get what you need.” All I really got today was dinner at Popeye’s Fried Chicken. I’m not sure I needed that and I’m fairly sure that my arteries didn’t need it at all. I also need to iron some shirts, but that conflicts with a need to get some sleep before I go to work tomorrow. I also needed to get the garbage out to the curb, and I got that, so I guess sometimes I do get what I need. I declare victory: time for sleep.
All you need really is to get some sleep and getting the garbage out to the curb. The rest can take care of itself: Order online for the air filters, calling a plumber to pour Drano on your sink, is there a stipulation on the contractor’s contract when the work should be finished?Where is your nearest dry cleaners for your shirts?
Once in a while to have Popeye’s Fried Chix is ok. At least you are able to abstain from cheeseburgers. Question: If you have a sirloin burger with cheese, does this count against your cheeseburger-off days? Cheeseburgers are ground meat, whereas sirloin burgers are cut-up meat.
When do you unveil your newly renovated house? Will there be a mirrored ceiling in your bedroom? Or a disco ball?
Haha! Mirrored ceiling! That’d be boring! Disco ball would suit you better. Because I’m 100% sure that you dance around like a dork when no one is looking!
You should go to Whole Paycheck and buy some Good Belly probiotics. It’ll help your innards.
I hope this isn’t considered spam, but since you’re asking:
Furnace Filters Online