I’ve been sneezing since I left the gym and I wonder if I’m coming down with a cold. That, some more body aches than normal, and my total lack of motivation make me wonder. A lack of motivation at work is one thing, but I can usually get going after a warmup at the gym. And I came in DFL today. I’m not sure how, either. Oh, well, maybe it’s just seasonal.
My mom should be back tomorrow and I was hoping that her room would be closer to done than it is right now. Some more is supposed to be done tomorrow, but right now there’s no place for her to go. Her bedroom is being painted, the living room where she watches videos is full of my bedroom, and the kitchen where she does her puzzles is blocked by her desk from the bedroom. I hope we can move most of the bigger stuff back tomorrow so she’ll have some sort of useable space.
Now if only I can shake off this cold, if it is a cold. I can’t avoid going to work because I have a long planning meeting and then I’m going to a memorial service for a ham radio acquaintance. Life just keeps moving apace.
Eeek! How do you pry out that cool dude back from you?
For consecutively three days-you have basically been a dud. “Getting nothing and liking it”, “NO gas left in the tank”, and “Lack of motivation.”
What is freakening happening?! Is it because you wanted to surprise mommie dearest with a newly renovated room but somehow this is impossible at this time?
One tip: Don’t go the Prozac route. Proscar you may need in the future, though.
I think you’re allowed to do nothing. But don’t let this pull us down when we read your blog. And, “Smile.”