Of course i usually get sick during long weekends instead of during the work week. I mean, my job has a fairly liberal sick leave policy so I should get sick during the week, right? I suppose I’m busy enough at work that being sick during the weekend is just as well. I don’t have to go back and clean up after the mess I’ve made by being away.
I even had to leave the gym early because I got a crick in my neck during the workout and then my lower back started to hurt. So I sat around watching movies today. I think I’ve known that I don’t like breakup movies and now I can remember why. My last breakup was years ago, but nothing good has happened because of it. I don’t need a movie to remind me of how miserable that can make you feel and I have no idea whether I’m ever going to have a new relationship like the one that ends those movies.
Well, off to take more ibuprofen and hope that my back feels better soon. I think the last time I hurt my back I was sick as well, and that time I was out for an entire month. At least the expensive bits of my tile are in now, and the thing I have to look forward to — my bathroom — is getting closer to completion.