Sometimes I suck.

I had yet another secret competition going on: doing as many pullups as the women’s record in the gym, but it was not to be. I was having a rough time with the pullups today and I can’t just blame that on the crick I’ve had in my neck since last Friday. I was only able to do 16. I tried to break the women’s record the last time we did max pull-ups and I was only able to match the record of the time which was 24. Devon got on the bar right after me and raised the record to 26. In any case, the women’s record is now 30 thanks to Courtney. I have some catching up to do.

Oh, and it sounds like nobody wrote down my personal record of 24 pull-ups, so since I have no other witnesses, I’m still “officially” at 20 kipping pull-ups and 12 dead-hang pull-ups. I’ve been stuck at 12 dead hang pull-ups for a long time and I’m afraid that even if I replace my ass with some sort of helium-filled ass, it wouldn’t make a big difference according to my previous calculations.

Oh, and the reason I don’t try to match the men’s record is because Ben has it at 43 or something similarly ridiculous.

In other news, THMFIC was in a mood tonight and was scowling a lot at the start of the workout. I was worried that he had a toothache or something, but he lightened up after he was finished with work and realized he could go home. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t scowling at anyone else, but I pay extra for that sort of treatment.

In better news, the tiling appears to be done! The grout still needs to go in, but look at how nice it looks!


It’ll look even nicer when the tile saw is out of there and the new toilet and the washlet are installed. And the cabinets. And the lighting. And the flooring. It’s still a ways from being finished but I’m pretty psyched about the progress.

3 thoughts on “Sometimes I suck.”

  1. And I’m pretty jealous. Which just speaks to the caliber of audience you are attracting. So sad.

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