I was planning on doing as little as possible this week at work, and doing most of it from home. I’d say there are only about a quarter of the people there the week between Xmas and New Year’s Day and so there’s little to be done. Unfortunately, I remembered that would mean that some of the expensive test equipment would be free as well, and asked my friend in the lab to tell me that the test equipment would be tied up all week. He told me the truth instead, so I had to go in to prep some things to use it. So much for not going in.
I went to the gym today and now THMFIC has this wild hare up his ass about having us write down fitness goals. I’ve NEVER had any fitness goals. Hell, I hardly have any goals in the rest of my life. I’m from the west, you see, where the cowboys wander aimlessly from adventure to adventure, so where in the hell are we supposed to come up with goals? That’s a corporate thing, goals. This is organic Oregon.
I suppose I should think more seriously about the goals, though sitting my narrow Asian ass on every piece of equipment on in the gym is one of my fitness goals. More rest, you see, and I don’t have to worry about running out of places to sit down. Some more pedestrian goals such as 20 dead-hang pull-ups or 45 pushups are probably in order, but Nurse Tiff said I should try going on a SECOND date next year. Twice with the same woman, that is. I can usually pull off two. Sex in the City imparted too much meaning to the third date, so I never get there. I’m thinking, though, instead of dating goals, I should think of something I might actually do. Like visiting Scotland or Cedar Rapids or something. Somewhere cool that doesn’t require a lot of work might be better. I wonder what the temperature in Drain, Oregon is.