I just got home and I suppose if I was a good friend, I would have left the party much earlier so my friend could have had more time with his ex (who in fact was looking much better than the last time I saw her). But no, I was busy drinking and talking nonsense with my friends. Several of them were drinking uncharacteristically as well and it was a lot more fun when you’re not the only one talking nonsense. In fact, one of my friends was purported to speak in Japanese when she is drunk, and I finally got to see it. Her husband had no idea what she was saying to him, which made it all the funnier to me.
The only bad part is that I’m supposed to be at the gym at 11AM tomorrow. I was feeling puny today after having two beers and I had several more than that tonight. Well, maybe it was last year. In any case, Happy New Year and it’s now time to restart our arbitrary clocks.
Happy New Year! Glad that you are partying hard already!