Exercise is one of those things where I feel weird if I miss it. I’m probably going to take a day off from the gym because my back still hurts and I’m pretty sure it’s not from anything in particular because my shoulders also hurt and so do my forearms. I’m guessing (and hoping) it’s just general achiness.
My problem with taking days off probably stems from my running days, when you go out every day and slog though the run and feel bad if you miss a day. I’m sure it’s some sort of minor compulsion. I feel that way when I miss work, too. I can wake up feeling like absolute crap warmed over and as soon as I call in sick, I feel great. Then I feel guilty. Then I usually find out that taking a shower has made me so tired that I need to get back into bed, and confirm to myself that I really am sick. It really sounds like an inefficient way to live my life but, really, I don’t have all that much going on anyway and I can spare the wasted time.
The other waste of time I usually have is a distinct lack of organization when it comes to buying things. I need light bulbs. It’ll be days before I remember to go out and buy some. I have 100W light bulbs all over my bathroom and when I switched on the lights to show off the new work that’s been done, my sister was blinded. I figured, though, that it should be bright in there while the guys are working so they can see every little thing. Later, though, I have to tone it down a bit.
In any case, the guy who owns the painting company came by on Friday and agreed that everything looks like crap. He’s going to be here on Monday to try to fix things. The tile guy should be finished with my counter and backsplash, too. The plumbing fixtures may or may not be in. The bathroom is very, very close to being finished! The paint fumes, however, mean I may not be able to stay home even if I am sick. Oh, well. That’s what Advil and caffeine are for.