I made a miscalculation in my weight and I’m not sure I’ve gained all that much. Not that I haven’t been trying during Superbowl Sunday, Il’s birthday dinner, UFC fight night, and other sundry events. I’ve been trying to drink more water lately, and I find I lose several pounds overnight. Part of it is getting up and going to the bathroom, but I’m not quite sure that’s the whole story. A pound is about a pint of water, and I can’t be losing three pints a night.
I’ve really been dragging at both workouts this week. Tonight we had four rounds of the same set of exercises and I was certain after the first round that I wouldn’t make it all the way through. I hope I start feeling better as the week goes on because Saturday is Fight Gone Bad. Not that I really care. I have adopted certain strategies that give me a lower score. For example, on the box jumps I actually JUMP onto the box and JUMP off of the box. Some people step up and/or down, which is quicker. I just don’t want to show up at Crossfit San Francisco and look like a goober again. There is the part where I actually AM a goober, but still.
The high point of my day was going to Target to buy a toilet brush for my new bathroom. I also signed up for “Singles CPR” because the local Red Cross sent me a notice just about the time I thought about signing up for a certification anyway. Plus, as Megan pointed out, screw the Libertarians.
“Singles CPR”. Where your “first kiss” is actually “Mouth to Mouth”.
“Singles CPR” where it’s just going to be me and a dummy.
when you coming to crossfit sf?