I think my morning coffee at work was served without the antidote. My stomach started grumbling soon after and I was lightheaded all morning. This caused me to be argumentative and surly in my morning meeting, but which did motivate me to get a lot more work done during the day.
I was still tired all day and sore in my upper back and knees. By the time 6:30 rolled around I was ready to just go to bed early and skip the gym. But I’m cheap and a creature of habit, so the $10 late fee plus the regular trip to the gym pushed me over the edge and got me to class.
We’re doing Fight Gone Bad on Saturday, and a lot of people are getting nervous about it. I’ve only done it once in the past, last June, back when I had a hard time with push presses, wall ball, and a lot of other things as well. I remember getting a very low score on it, maybe less than 200, so it won’t take much to improve that score. I’m not worried at all.
What did worry me was today’s workout. It was a 250m row, 20 ball slams, and a sprint to the end of the parking lot and back, three times. The last time I did this workout, I ended up bonking and walked on my last run. As tired and sore as I was all day, I wasn’t looking forward to this workout. I ended up getting a cumulative time of 6 minutes for three rounds which was pretty darn good, though I thought I was going to lose my lunch. I think several people actually did lose their lunch from this sprint workout.
Fortunately, tomorrow is Friday but I’m still not going to bed on time. I’m still kind of wired from the workout. It’s the most awake I’ve been all day, just when I should be sleeping.
You. Ain’t. Right…..!!!!!