I work with a bunch of computer geeks, so there’s no surprise that our group lunch outings are almost like watching Rainman.
Monday | Don Pedro |
Tuesday | King Torta |
Wednesday | Don Pedro |
Thursday | King Torta |
Friday | The old picky dude isn’t at work so it’s a free-for-all. |
Today, however, I was scheduled into meetings from 11AM to 2PM. Fortunately I had a half-hour break where I went down to the (ugh) cafeteria and had what they call a Chicken Caesar Salad. It’s OK, but I think the lack of rice and beans probably contributed to my lethargy at the gym. Actually I think it was yesterday’s front squats that tired out my core and just the incessant work at work that made me so tired. (I can’t get any more specific because I actually like my job, even though it makes me surly.)
Hey, it’s about a third of the way through month 2, so I should have been on one and a third dates so far. I’ve only been out to dinner with Il and my mom and neither of them count. I wonder if Crazy Carolyn in Chicago is doing any better, or if she’s safe from having to eat her hat.