I wonder if I miscounted at the gym. I seemed to finish faster than others, but really, one minute out of 30 is probably not a big deal. I’m so tired that I called my sister instead of my buddy Il. Of course, I usually mistakenly call my buddy Greg instead of whoever I’m trying to call, but the tiredness is throwing me off my game.
There are also things even more consequential than having my customer issues escalated to the director level. On my way home, the CHECK ENGINE LIGHT came on and it’s just taunting me with its impudence. I called the dealership and they told me to wait a couple of days because it might just reset itself. WHAT IF THERE’S SOMETHING CATASTROPHIC GOING ON?
Yeah, I know. I can’t get worked up about it either. There really isn’t all that much going on lately, and I’m so tired from the workout at the gym that I can’t think of much else. I’ve already flossed my teeth, so I guess the day is done. Sleepy time.
Wouldn’t it be in your mechanic’s best interest if something catestrophic is going on right now and waiting means it will cost more? Just make sure that when you take it in and they tell you how much it costs, you make them charge you what it would have cost if you had brought it in several days before.