Sometimes you hear about a movie that’s supposed to be so great that you’re expecting way too much by the time you get to see it. Clerks was that way to me. Kevin Smith really just likes to hear people recite his dialog and you really need a good actor to make a soliloquy sound believable. To me, Jason Lee has great delivery of Kevin Smith’s dialog and Ben Affleck does not. I saw Slumdog Millionaire today, and it was a good movie, but it wasn’t what I was expecting and I didn’t really like it. I don’t like movies this grim. I realize that life is awful and if I need a reminder I watch the news. Sure there was a happy ending, but that didn’t make up for all the horrible stuff I saw on the way. I can’t believe so many people like this movie. Also, I don’t think I’m giving anything away because NPR has been talking about this movie non-stop for months.
I proved to myself that I can climb a rope today. I usually take Fridays off from the gym, but today was the start of a deadlift cycle, so I went in. You’d figure deadlifting would hurt your back, but it usually makes my back feel better. After deadlifting, there was a bit of “goofing around” which included climbing the rope. I have the strength to do it and I’ve been to the top before, but there’s really only climbing on Fridays now. Odd how that’s the high point of my day.