The carpet is finally supposed to come in, so they tore out the old nasty carpet out of my old bedroom. The missed the closet, however, because it was still full of stuff. My old room was partly my dad’s storeroom and when I moved back I had to clear out a lot of cardboard boxes to get in. It was pretty cramped and it took a kind of dance to get to my closet, so I only went in there if I needed to get my wedding & funeral suit.
Of course, it was a large closet filled with all sorts of weird things. I started pitching out clothes to take to Goodwill and half of it was 20 pairs of slacks that I can’t get my big ass into, and 20 dress shirts. I filled three full boxes of empty clothes hangers. The suit my mom made when she got married was in was there. There’s also some nice suits of mine that I should try to give away before I just give them to Goodwill. My dad bought them for me when I was in my 20’s and much smaller.
I also threw out my dad’s old model airplanes and I hope I don’t have another dream where he comes back looking for them. I suppose my sister is right, he didn’t seem to care about them much when he was alive, so why would he care about them now? He liked putting plastic models together and painting them but after they’re together they just kind of took up space.