I finally went to see the movie Coraline today and the worst part was trying to quickly read through the credits to find the names of my friends who work at Laika. I saw two guys in the IT department, but no one else. I know some of their names must be in the credits but I missed them nevertheless. The movie was very well done and fun to watch. The 3-D made my eyes bug out a little. The only really bad part was that the tickets, during matinee pricing, was $11 for a ticket! Come on people, this is Portland, not some metropolis.
I’m still staring at the Kindle 2 in my Amazon shopping cart. I still have several books in my “to be read” pile and so I’m not in a huge hurry. In fact, I’m currently reading Shinjuku Shark, a book my mom read in the original Japanese. The gadgety goodness still beckons. It’s not like I’m going to spend it on dating or anything (and just as an update, 2 months, 0 dates — I wonder how Carolyn is doing.)
I told my mom that I wanted to get her the kindle and she said “no thanks, i wouldn’t use it”. She reads 3 books a week!! I’m never offering her anything ever again!!