I was back at the gym today and I’ve now realized that I can’t judge the workouts by looking at them on the whiteboard. It was seven rounds of seven medball cleans, seven burpees, and seven ring rows. Why did I think it was going to be easy? I even started out wrong. I did ten burpees the first round and then made up for it by doing four the second round. Fortunately, someone else was counting the number of rounds for us or I would have been completely confused as to when to stop. We were supposed to take a leisurely 2 laps around the building to finish up but you know some of our definitions of leisurely weren’t quite right. Fried chicken for lunch might have been a mistake.
The floor to my old bedroom is now finished and the carpet is supposed to come in tomorrow. I’m not sure when the installer is supposed to be here, but it shouldn’t be too much longer. This weekend I may need to move my bedroom crap back upstairs and then I get to empty out my dad’s old room so we can work on that. That is if Jason the Contractor isn’t tired of all the work he’s done so far. I can only imagine how much more work there is to do on the house.