Trying to get to sleep early.

Of course I’m really tired during the day, but I’m never tired when I should get to sleep. I suppose it has to do with going to the gym late in the day and then eating dinner even later. Oh, well. That’s just the way life goes, I suppose. And what would be the purpose of being wide awake at work anyway? I probably wouldn’t have an excuse for trying to drink my body weight in bad work coffee.

There have been a lot of pictures of me at the gym looking old and tired. As Megan points out, that’s because I’m old and tired. Perhaps instead of going to the gym, I should be getting more rest. This could be facilitated if I had THIRTY BILLION DOLLARS. I could buy a completely upholstered house and hire someone to de-lint it on a daily basis. I could sleep whereever I wanted. I could also have another house that has TEN THOUSAND square feet of floor space. I wouldn’t need furniture. I could just spread everything out all over the floor. I wouldn’t even worry about heating costs. I could hire someone to worry for me.

As you can see, there’s a good reason I’m just old and tired and whatever is controlling the universe has made sure I don’t get that THIRTY BILLION DOLLARS.


Hmmm. I guess I could stand to lose some winter weight. I’m looking pretty Asian there which is a good thing because Megan will tell you, I’m old, tired and Asian as well.

One thought on “Trying to get to sleep early.”

  1. Let’s just go back and read where I said that you looked really good the last time I saw you. It’s true that you are old and, self admittedly, tired. But you wouldn’t know it by looking at you! So there, you big dork!!!!

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