I really hate rebates but they usually seem to pay them. I would have said they’ve always paid them until I bought something from Tiger Direct and they stiffed me. I think it was $50-100 or so, and I’m certainly not buying anything from them again. Looking at google, I’m probably lucky just to be out whatever I am out. The rebate I got is from Sandisk and it’s a VISA debit card. I’m not sure if I’ll have the same kind of trouble I’ve had in the past where I have to keep track of how much is on the card or merchants can’t use it.
Rebates are kind of silly for me. I’ll buy something that’s too expensive that I barely need, knowing I’m getting a rebate. Then when I get the rebate I’ll think of it as free money and spend it frivolously. I suppose that’s what the merchants are counting on. Also, I now have four 8G SD memory cards and I can probably only use one or two of them since I don’t take that many pictures. And looking at the manual I can hold 1580 pictures per card at the highest resolution.
Ah, well. Maybe I can use this card towards the frivolous purchase of a Kindle 2. I’m still not going to buy one until I finish the books I have stacked on my desk and I’ve been too busy to read them lately. Maybe I’ll buy some illuminated light switches or some other boring home improvement stuff.