I forgot to finish laundree!
I think that’s the whole rhyme for the day. Yesterday I was going to a birthday party for a friend of mine, but I had to skip out when my sister got in IM from Japan. I had to take care of some travel changes for her. I was also busy reading a mystery that kept me from doing anything worthwhile. I did go out to the Rogue Brewery for dinner with a bunch of people and while I don’t remember drinking all that much, I didn’t feel all that great in the middle of the night. I got up and my stomach and my head hurt. I stayed in bed until 11 or so and felt much better.
I spent the afternoon boxing up my dad’s old bedroom and I’m not close to being finished. Unfortunately, OfficeMax and the hardware store were closed for my birthday, and I wasn’t able to get an extra dust mask or more boxes. I did have lunch at the new Kenny and Zuke’s in my neighborhood which has a much smaller menu than their main store but is quite good nevertheless. I finally knocked off around 7 and made it to the Rogue again, because you have to go through a lot to get a free beer on your birthday and this I was finally going to do it. I had dinner by myself since it is Easter and everyone was busy. By the way, the hot fudge sundae at the Rogue is surprisingly good.
happy birthday slackass
I think we would be way more impressed with your household chores if we got to see before and after pics. I keep asking and you keep ignoring me like I’m this anonymous person you don’t even know.
Oh wait…
Delurking to say Happy Birthday!