The workout at the gym today was kind of hard, but there wasn’t all that much leg involvement. This made things seem a lot easier and thank goodness. I got up this morning and didn’t just hit the snooze, I just turned the alarm off. Fortunately, I didn’t sleep in more than 5 minutes. I was tired when I got to work and I realized I forgot my coffee cup. They’re trying to get us to quit using the paper cups at work and they’re using cheaper cups, making the Thermos cup a necessity. In any case, the morning kind of started off poorly.
I also had my check engine light on, and once again there was a bad oxygen sensor. I guess there’s more than one, because they told me a different one needed replacing, along with my blinker fluid. That’s what I get to do tomorrow morning.
I’m really behind on my TV shows. I just watched Chuck from last week and noticed I have three episodes of Bones to catch up on. Plus I have those GreenCine DVDs I’ve had since early March. My goodness I’m behind. I better check to make sure my bills are paid, too. Sheesh.