I went to a going away thing after work today. One of the managers is changing groups and I thought I’d wish him well. Unfortunately, I had two glasses of beer and that plus the lack of sleep made me quite tired on the way home. Of course that means I’m up now, trying to get a computer set up at 12:30 instead of sleeping like I should.
I could describe how I’m netbooting a Sun Netra T1 and installing across the network, but it’s really rather dull. I’ve done it plenty of times and it really consists of me failing repeatedly until it finally seems to work. There are lots of little bits to set up and there’s no really clear directions. Whatever. It’s working now.
So, in any case, that’s my Friday night. A nap, a headache, and setting up a really geeky old computer while watching some TV shows from earlier in the week. Just the way I like it (except for the headache part).