Big gay pirate movie, my ass.

Big drunk pirate, more like. I spent the last two evenings watching Pirates of the Caribbean. It turned out to be a very silly movie and I enjoyed every minute. I was only disappointed because I heard that Johnny Depp played Captain Jack Sparrow as a bit more swishy than he did. I loved the affect that he did project, though. And of course Pirates of the Caribbean is my favorite ride at Disneyland. I’m sure I’m not alone there.

So I went to the gym and was asked, “How was your workout?” I dunno. I lifted some stuff that didn’t really need lifting (not like stacking stove pellets for my friend’s dad) and I enjoyed myself. The women who I’m harmlessly curious about wasn’t there. I saw her the first day I was there and I wonder why she works so hard. I wish I had the courage to ask her myself, but the answer may not be anything I care to know. It’s more fun to imagine answers sometimes.

Really, people keep telling me, “What’s the harm in asking women out?” I think I’m likely to hear a vice-presidential answer as much as, “No.” I’d say 30% vice-presidential, 50% “Hell, no,” and 20%, “Sure, just as friends.”

Heh. Forgot to hit “Publish.”

And for those who don’t know what the vice-presidential answer is, it is, “Go **** yourself.” (Spoken by our current selected Vice-President.)