I never realized that there are a bunch of hipsters out there trying to make their blogs more clever than they need to be. I’d think something like that would come across as overly slick and annoying to read, but then I remembered all the other hipsters would probably enjoy pointing out the cleverness in their own clever way. Ick. I suppose that’s why I have trouble reading the blogs of some professional writers, they’re too busy proving that they still have their writing chops and they’re still creative even though they have to write manuals for typewriters or specifications for rotary dial telephones in their day job. Me, I just let the man keep sucking my life away, eight hours at a time.
That’s why you’re guaranteed to see the opposite of clever here on most occasions. Guess who has digestive problems? ME! Guess who has been eating too much? ME! Guess who won’t give you great pictures of what he’s been eating too much of? Well, me, but here’s a picture of the fried chicken and spoon bread brunch at the Country Cat.
According to my sister, brunch is the way to go at the Country Cat as she’s been there for dinner as well. I’ve only been there the once (today) and I thought it was great. As long as I’m posting pictures, here’s one of Megan and Nadeem.
Megan’s been giving me grief about her pictures of me being all “squinty and Asian looking” because, as those of you who have met me in person know already, I’m kind of squinty and Asian looking. I think this picture shows Megan proving that she’s a “round-eye”. I don’t have any pictures of me unless I steal them from others because who gets pictures of themselves on their own cameras? OK, that would be me, as well, but only when I have my digital camera out and not when I’m using my iPhone.
So there you go. Your daily dose of “not all that clever”.
Trust me – Country Cat’s fried chicken is good any time of day.
that breakfast looks frakking amazing.