This is yet another posting from my iPhone. Nothing is wrong with my Mac this time, but I am backing it up before I take it to the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco next week. It’s busy doing a boring disk copy so I have to contend with this fake iPhone keyboard that really isn’t all that bad if your program lets you use it sideways. I’m excited to see if they announce a new iPhone next week and I may be foolish enough to upgrade. That’s the way I roll.
Today I had my periodic doctors appointment and I was scheduled for a Possibly Painful Medical Procedure. My doctor is actually quite skilled at this particular PPMP and it has never been that bad, but let me tell you that one of the words in the PPMP is “biopsy” so there’s really nothing pleasant about it. I know what’s coming – I’ve had several already – and like I said it has never been that painful in the past, but it still made me a bit anxious. Turns out it was a mistake in scheduling and I only had to have a blood draw which was surprisingly painful today. And I only found out that I wasn’t going to have the PPMP at the end of my visit. It was a relief but also a bit exhausting.
So I spent the rest of the day recovering with Scarpetta which is ok but not the best. It’s a liberry book so I have to finish it and return it before I can get on with my literary life. I do have the next Myron Bolitar mystery in paperback and the next John Rain on my Kindle as well as a hardback of The Girl With the Snake Tattoo from my sister, so I better get a move on.