The worst part about Sunday is that it’s almost Monday and especially after a long weekend. I don’t want to go back to work. I suppose it could be worse.
It really didn’t feel that much like the 4th of July because I was much too sober. I went to two picnics with my mom around, so it made more sense to limit myself to fewer beers than I usually drink. I did, however, drink a whole lot of Perrier.
And I didn’t watch the fireworks. The big Fort Vancouver fireworks (supposedly the largest fireworks west of the Mississippi or something else that the marketing folks keep repeating) were canceled this year due to lack of funding and that’s the one you can see on the horizon from the hill in front of our house. People bought plenty of illegal fireworks and were setting them off in the schoolyard, but I didn’t really care. I was busy trying to get further in this book on how to program Mac OS X, a book that I usually get a few chapters into before I finally have to do something else. This weekend, I didn’t have to do that much else, and some of the stuff in the book is starting to stick. It should, I’ve tried getting through versions 1, 2 and 3 of this book before. This is my second pass through version 3.
So there you go. You knew I was a nerd and I’m busy trying to live up to my nerd reputation.