I spent most of the day trying to get this silly electronical gadget working and I was pretty certain that I hate computers and need them out of my life, but that was only a temporary thought. My computer, after all, has found an episode of Ghost Story from 1972 that scared the crap out of me when I was eight. I still remember “The Concrete Captain” and I wonder now if it would have the same effect on me now. I’m sure I’ll stay up too late finding out.
Fortunately, I didn’t stay up that late finishing Requiem For an Assassin. If I had known that it was the last “John Rain” book, I’d have taken more time to read it. The gym is closed for the next few days, as well, so I’ll have more time for sleeping and geekery. Why not watch a ghost story from my youth to see if it does anything for me. I even had some Otter Pops so I could be OK.