I was cramping up at the gym today and I wonder if it’s because I need to eat more. I need more excuses to eat more. In reality, I probably need to drink more water, darn it.
Sean, so full of evil, pointed out something on This is why you’re fat which was several pages in. I had to look at all sorts of deep-fried horrors that were making my mouth water. But I stayed steadfast and only cheated by eating one cracker. This can’t last, of course, and I am eating my usual lunches. I was just surprised that I wasn’t craving doughnuts in the morning. Must be the chocolate milk.
I’m afraid that my brain is wandering again tonight. I mean really, who in their right mind would think of a movie where the main character cheated on Anne Archer for Glenn Close? I suppose it happens in real life, too, since David Justice cheated on Halle Berry. I mean good god man, cheating on HALLE BERRY? Life is full of surprises, after all. I suppose I’d cheat on her for some fried chicken and waffles. Maybe with some maple syrup.