I never can get to sleep right after I get home, even when I get home at 1:40AM. So last night I made a list of things I should do. Some of the things were pretty simple, like “move the pedal wrenches back downstairs” and others just sounded simple like “mail in the Greencine DVDs”. I’ve had the Greencine CDs for five months, though, so that could be harder than it sounds. In any case, I did a bunch of little errands, several hours of yardwork, pulling more nails and cutting out old pipe out of the attic space, and just more than I’d really expect from myself today.
I also took apart one of the antennas I had sitting in the backyard. It used to be up on the roof but it’s been down for years because of the poor radio conditions. Being a good ham would mean I should keep all the bits that I could reuse and store them forever, especially if it looked like it could save me some money even though in reality it cost me more. Instead I took all the metal bits and put them in the recycling bin. My friend Greg pointed out this is because I’m a horrible socialist and I know what’s best for other people, and what’s best is that they don’t put this used antenna way up on a tower and have it fail. I also think that since I’m a lefty liberal I actually practice trickle-down economics and don’t think of it like the right-wing does, as an abstract thing like the Easter bunny. I’ll just buy a new one when I need it.
I keep thinking about buying a new car and I keep talking myself out of it. I had a 2000 Honda S2000, and now that it’s 2009 and they’re not going to be making them any longer, I was thinking I should get another. Pretty foolish idea, though. My buddy Il reminded me that I got hit a bunch of times in the S2000. Not while I was in the car, but it’s pretty tiny and people would run into it all the time. They do it to my Civic from time to time as well, but not nearly as often. I also realized that the only reason the cool kids from the gym hang out with me is because they don’t have cars right now and I do. Yet another reason to keep a car that seats 5.
So there you go. I may not have sat on my ass all day, but you can bet that’s what I really wanted to do.
Lefty Liberals don’t waste money on purchasing new cars when they don’t need them. They do like I do and buy one and drive it until it stops. 2000 Echo…36 MPG, still!!! Toyota ROCKS!!