Perhaps I need a new hobby. Looking at dating sites is probably not a great idea. I sit around and read little things into everyone’s profile, showing me why I really ought to not date them. Too religious, too superstitious, too crunchy, or just too particular and that’s why they’re single and close to my age.
That’s why I’m thinking of going back to my old hobby of eating as many cheeseburgers as I want. Which isn’t quite the case yet because I’m back in delayed gratification mode, though I’m not sure where the gratification is going to come from if I delay it. Today, for example, I was staring at some free doughnuts and trying to get other people to eat them so I wouldn’t. I suppose if I ate everything I wanted, I could start looking into master’s level sumo wrestling.
I am, however, thinking of going on another run of hamburgers because Koi Fusion, the Korean taco truck, is making a special hamburger this week. And Thursday we’re supposed to go to Laurelhurst Market. Well, I’ve convinced one person to try the hamburger tomorrow, though Sean (who has fallen under the spell of cheeseburgers after listening to me talk about them) is wary. Really, “Korean taco truck” sounds a bit shady if you think about it, but my sister swears it’s good.
So, if you see my picture on, say or something and think it looks good, you should probably ask me how I look NOW after I start on my new cheeseburger diet that I abandoned about a year ago. Or not. I’ve been on a few dating sites for fifteen years now and I’ve really gotten nowhere. Like they tell me on the intarwebs, “You’re doing it wrong.”