I just saw District 9 with Sean and Jeff and I have to say, WOW. I didn’t know what to expect and it had a lot more story than I expected, and I heard a lot of the dialog was ad-libbed. It was pretty darn amazing.
I went downtown to get some new gym shoes and I also took my holey sweater back to Nordstroms. There were a bunch of irregular holes in the sweater that didn’t look like bug holes because bug holes are usually round. In fact, they looked like I’d been wrestling with a porcupine or something. Unfortunately for me, it was my $155 “date sweater” that really hadn’t worked out for me at all. In fact, I’d only worn it a couple of times before I found the holes. I walked into Nordstroms to ask them if they had any ideas, figuring the sweater was just trash now anyway, and they gave me my money back! Of course I turned around and bought some shoes with the money. I don’t buy that much clothing, but I usually just buy everything at Nordstroms and I guess I picked the right store.
I did find out, however, that Muscle Milk isn’t enough for me as a meal replacement. I noticed I was fairly cranky on the way downtown. But then again, people running stop signs in their car, flocks of douchebags, and dogs on the trolley don’t put me in a good mood even when I’m at my best. Fortunately, I supplemented that with a chili dog, and had sliders and tacos (and part of Sean’s hamburger) for dinner. So much for pretending to be on a diet.