I have to be pretty careful about ice cream because as an Asian dude I have several superpowers including not being attractive to American women and lactose intolerance. The former has very little to do with the ice cream, but the latter does so I have to be picky about eating ice cream or milkshakes or whatnot. My sister told me that the 50 Licks guys would be working the birdwatcher group and if I didn’t try it, she’d kick my ass. They were standing around when I got home today, so I bought two little half-pint containers for $4 each. It’s pretty good and actually tastes like something. The carmel apple has distinctly carmelly tastes, and a little apple as well. It’s not as good as the Baskin & Robins in Japan where everything tasted just like what the label said it would taste like, but it was good. I’m not sure it was $4 good, but the quality and texture were excellent as well. I should stop being so miserly and just say I’m worth it.
I’ve been watching more TV lately, and perhaps that’s rotting my brain. I don’t want it to be complete mush, but it could stand some softening up. It’ll keep me from thinking about weird things too much, like trying to get MMS working on my iPhone before the scheduled 9/25 announced date. That’s just what I need, an inoperable cell phone. It’ll keep me from obsessing about learning how to fix my drywall by myself, too.