I made it through the workout at the gym through sheer stubbornness. It was a kettlebell workout that I like to call “stand and sweat”. 5 rounds of 5 swings, 5 high pulls, 5 snatches, 5 clean and press, 5 reverse lunges, 5 figure 8 to hold, and 10 around the body passes. That’s for one arm. I used a weight that was a bit heavy and also followed the instruction to not put the kettlebell down. It took me forever, but I finished. Unlike any of my previous relationships, I looked at that 45lb kettlebell and figured I was going down with this ship.
If I was talking about work, I’d say it was Monday. Also that computers hate me. But I try not to talk about work and the computers at home seem to be hating me as well.
I should also mention that I went to Home Depot again today, and that the electrician is supposed to come tomorrow to finish the west bedroom so there’s something else to check off my list. Hooray!