I took some time off in the middle of the day to attend Andy Letourneau’s funeral, and I ran into a lot of people from Boy Scouts. Guys I haven’t seen for nearly 30 years and they’re probably all in their 40’s now. My old scoutmaster, an old camp director, and lots of guys who would have been my peers in Boy Scouts. It’s sad that this is the only reason I have for getting back together with these old friends. The funeral was well attended, as I expected, because Andy was a great guy.
Afterwards I went to Laurelwood with the Scouters and had mac and cheese (and a beer) for lunch. Beer is a bad idea before a workout, and was definitely slowing me down today. I went to the gym tonight because I missed Thursday night. The workout of the day wasn’t that long, and had two runs, but the beer I had at lunch was kind of percolating in my stomach and the second run was more of a trot. Liz and I were reminiscing and laughing about how we used to run until you couldn’t see us from the gym and then walk for a while. We were also saying the new people lately seem to be running a lot harder than we were able to when we started. In any case, my second run kind of felt like and extended effort to keep from seeing my lunch again, so I’ve proved to myself that beer is not a performance enhancing drug. At least not for Crossfit.