
The wind is really blowing right now and I bet the storm they’ve been promising is on its way. Earlier it felt like it was in the 60’s and you could tell something was coming. So far there have just been a few gusts and no downpour. It’ll probably come in the middle of the night when my jet lag is keeping me from sleeping well (like last night). But there’s always the chance that the workout at the gym is going to keep me in a fairly immobile. Being away for two weeks coupled with my cold made things especially enjoyable tonight. We’ll see.

I have to figure out what to do with the man purse I got in Japan. When I’m there I usually carry around 2 cell phones, a digital camera, my passport, and my rail pass. One cell phone is a rental with a Japanese number so my friends can call me without making an international call, and the other is my iPhone for getting demanding text messages from my sister. In the past this meant stuffing crap in my jacket and carrying my jacket around even when it wasn’t cold out. Now I have a nice man purse that even fits my Kindle as well as the rest of my crap. It also smells nice.

Photo on 2009-11-16 at 22.36

Not real sure if I’ll have much use for it here, though.

Well, time to see if I can get some more sleep.

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