I usually keep typing into this blog to keep myself amused more than anything else. I like to see if I can put together some coherent writing on a day-to-day basis for the practice more than anything else, and I find that I always need a bit of editing to make things more coherent. That’s just the way I write, I guess.
I just noticed that I haven’t written at all in the past three days, which I must just have forgotten to do. I’ve been a bit tired from the goings on at the gym and just plain tired in general. Wednesday I even punted the gym for a couple of reasons. One is just plain being tired, and the other is because my mom came back to from Japan that day and I knew I should probably take her out to dinner. I also had errands to run; returning the wrong light switches I ordered and buying locks for the back door to match the locks in the rest of the house. Which reminds me, I need to actually install those locks.
Thanksgiving we decided to go out rather than subject my sister to prep and cleanup and four of us went to Wildwood for dinner. The turkey, smoked breast and almost stewed dark meat, was exquisite and perfectly portioned. Any more and I would have been stuffed. I still achieved a proper food coma. Earlier in the day my buddy Matty from the gym said he wanted to go out to lunch and so we drove around the neighborhood a bit to find several taverns open, and we had a good pub burger at the Nob Hill Tavern.
Today we went out to lunch at Gaya Gaya for sushi (and some Korean food for me) and then I tried to put off the two errands I had on my list for the day. I forgot to do the other things on my list, but I wanted to get a Magic Mouse at the black Friday sale, and clean the gutters AGAIN. I mostly succeeded on both counts. I drove downtown, parked in a lot, stood in a line to get in the Apple store, and found that not only did I get the sale price on my mouse, but I also got a work discount as well. I went to the hardware store and found that I still had enough light to finish cleaning all of the gutters on the house, and one of the two on the garage before it got dark. I have to ask the neighbor if I can go in her yard to clean the last gutter anyway.
So there you have it. I now have the new Magic Mouse and my mom is back from Japan. I think that’s the big news anyway.
welcome home, mamasan!