There was some point in time when I’d actually have ideas of what to put on here. I think it was back when I started working out at Recreate fitness and my brain was oxygen deprived throughout the workout. Now I’ve gotten past that and I think I’m just tired and sore all the time. That, plus I’m not smart enough to go to bed on time and here I am staring at the computer again. Lack of sleep makes my vocabulary go, well, smaller, so I not have so many words. I can’t even spell perspicacity without looking it up.
And guess what? I’ve been online chatting for the last hour. You may think it was something creepy, but it was worse: international business requires meetings at 11:30PM when I should be asleep.
Wow. Work is intruding on my blog writing time. Who woulda thunk it? Completely vented the head of steam I had built up. It probably is for the best. I doubt it would have made any sense anyway.
I see your 11:30 pm meeting and raise with a Monday 9:30 pm meeting on a weekly occurrence for the last year.
Tech industry secret handshake for late night meetings?