Wait, I was going to write a title about tonight’s SOLO BURGER CLUB. Matty G ditched me so I went to Meriwether’s on my own. I think at $14 it is the most expensive hamburger I’ve had on my burger quest. If I add my bar tab, it certainly the most I’ve spent. The burger was pretty darn good. I admire a restaurant that will actually cook a burger RARE for you, like Meriwether’s and the Carlyle will. I have to say the salting was uneven and there was a bite that was overly salty while others were a little bland, but overall it was pretty good. The standout was the ciabatta bun which was crunchy but not hard, so it never got chewy nor did shards cut up my mouth. The grilled onions could have been sweeter, and the bacon might have been what was unevenly salty. The fries were crispy and seasoned and came with real ketchup and were particularly good. It was just below the top tier, but maybe cooking it to medium rare could actually push it into the top tier. Carmelizing the sugars on the surface of the meat can do wonders.
I remember what I was working my way up to yesterday. My workout at the gym continues beyond what most people at Recreate Fitness do because I mop the floor. Until recently, I’ve only mopped the floor one way (right hand towards the top of the mop). I tried switching hands and had an incredibly difficult time of it at first but now I’m finally getting the hang of it. It also seems to be working my abs a lot more than I’d expect. I guess that means you shouldn’t give up on improving your mopping skills, especially if you practice five times a week. Plus it’s a great core workout.