I just spent the last couple of hours spending a bunch of money on electrical crap. More outlets, switches, ethernet jacks, wall plates, and other boring things that most people wouldn’t care about but I figure I should just buy everything and worry about it later. I got started on the buying because somehow I got sidetracked today. I have my list of errands, but I wanted to sit on my fat ass and watch football until it was time to go to Foster Burger for dinner. Turns out they didn’t have any football games today, only massacres, so I started in on my list of errands.
Getting an H1N1 vaccine is a lot easier now. In fact, I called the local Fred Meyer and Walgreens and they wanted me to sign up for Tuesday’s waiting list, but then I called QFC and they just told me not to come in too late. It’s the same QFC with the Coinstar machine that spits out Amazon gift certificate codes for “free”. Instead of losing 8.5% for the privilege of using the machine, I get a gift certificate for 100% of the change I pour into the machine. Then I waste the gift certificate on electrical outlets and telephones. I also bought a 2-line phone for the two lines in the house.
I had $29.57 worth of coins, and my insurance paid for the H1N1 vaccine. I think it might have been the vaccine that lead to my stomach upset, but who knows. All I know is that my stomach felt funny. I did end up running yet another phone line and Ethernet drop upstairs and that required a lot of crawling around in the attic, and I also started thinking about wiring a light into the bedroom closet. The bad part is that everyone bailed on me for Foster Burger for dinner and so that didn’t happen.
Oh, well. Doesn’t look like Foster Burger is going anywhere. I’ll get there soon enough.
Is wiring a light hard? I really need to do this in my closets. Someone cheaped out on my 70s ranch and there is just one puny little light in the room that is supposed to work for the closet too.