So here I am, after getting my ass handed to me at the gym, staying up too late again. I think I’m just about ready to start using my right pinky for typing again, two months after I smashed it open at the same gym. In any case, I’m up late finishing reading a graphic novel because books tend to get in my head and bug me if I don’t finish them. In any case, I should probably think about hitting the hay rather than do my nightly typing practice.
I surely didn’t break any records at the gym today. I suck at overhead weight lifting. However, I beat a guy who runs almost as fast as me, and is almost half my age. I could probably just say half my age, because that would be somewhere around 23, but the guy is probably 27, and (23-27)/27 is something around -15% error. That’s sort of like how one of the Crossfit “goals” is to deadlift twice your body weight, and even if weigh myself first thin in the morning, that’s 163*2, or 326 lbs. I’m only up to 305lbs, and I’m probably stopping there so I don’t hurt myself. I may go up to 315, but even then that’s (315-326)/326 or -3% error. Wait, I figure 2% is statistical noise, so if I make it to (326-326*2%) or about 320, I’ll be golden.
Or of course I can just lose some weight, so I can weigh 305/2 or 152.2, but I haven’t weighed that little since the 90’s and I was training for the marathon.
I think I’ll just stick with the sensible thing, try for 305 again, and then go up to 310 if the 305 feels OK, declare victory, and move on. I mean, heck, I got several attractive women to friend me on facebook so I think my romantic goals for this year are complete as well. VICTORY! (+/- 100%, anyway.)
Facebook is almost like going on a date…except the “going” part.