I guess I did fail today. I told myself I wouldn’t go over a 305lb. deadlift and I tried 315lb. and 335lb. anyway. I made 315lbs. 315/2 = 157.5, so I haven’t made double my body weight. I tried 335lbs due to a miscalculation, thinking that would put me at twice body weight, but I should have just tried 325lbs. And now that I think of it, I think twice body weight makes a nice strong line in the sand that I don’t need to cross because I’ve hurt my back doing deadlifts in the past. Now I just have to keep from gaining weight so I don’t have to recalculate this number. 325-45 = 280, 280/2 = 140, so 3x45lb plate + 5lb plate on each side of the barbell.
So much for thinking. I think I forgot my New Year’s resolutions already. One date per month, wasn’t it? It’s getting close to the middle of January and nothing doing so far. Gotta pace myself or I’ll burn out early. 🙂