I felt a lot better today and I even made it to the gym, but I realized quite early that I wasn’t running on all cylinders. Sprinting around the block was more like limping around the block. It’s just as well anyway.
From a guy who thinks Presidents Obama and Clinton lean too far to the right, this has been a shitty week politically. I suppose it’s just as well and just points out to me two things, that not everyone agrees with my stilted point of view, and that whitey owns my ass either way. I am used to it, however, and probably can live with whitey owning my ass easier than the day when China owns my ass. By that time I’ll probably be old and decrepit and even more demented than I am now.
I should also get off the computer before the Republicans come to get me. I just posted this to a facebook comment supporting the Supreme Court’s decision to free corporations and labor unions from some campaign financing restrictions.
Without the benefit of a background in law or a modicum of sobriety, I must point out that a corporation is an artificial entity whose purpose is the amoral maximization of profit and will destroy any competitors in its primary purpose of creating a return for the stockholders. I say that with no knowledge of legal precedent, but since the right-wing Supreme Court seems to have thrown one hundred years of legal precedent out the window, I can probably just pull anything out of my ass and be as correct as they are.
See? More proof that I need to turn off my computer and go to bed. Andiamo.