I was quite successful in avoiding working on my bedroom yesterday. Late lunch at Panbiche, getting in the way while Sean fixed computers at New Seasons, setting up a projector at the gym, but today I had to start in.
The day started a bit weird too. I had a couple of beers and watched Better Off Dead, a 1985 movie I saw in college, and I had nightmares about being back at MIT. My stuff was in my old dorm room though the dorm architecture had changed. The kids in the adjacent rooms were driving me nuts. I don’t know why I’d have to go back at my age, but it’s not the first time I had this dream.
The closet I painted looks like hell. Actually, it really just looks like I missed a few spots and I need to get a brush to do the corners. If watching paint dry is supposed to be the most boring thing you can do, painting must be close second. I put a hole in the ceiling where I want another light, but I can’t seem to fish the electrical wire to the existing light. I spent HOURS on this and I foresee many more hours before I get this finished. I guess that’s why electricians make so much.