Here I am, staying up too late. I started out fiddling around with lots of slips of paper, running around trying to figure out where the receipts for my window, insulation, and furnace were and then trying to decode the Goodwill donation notes I have. Half of them are in kanji, thanks to my mom. Ugh.
Of course I gave up about an hour ago, but now I’m not sure WHY I’m up. I just am. And when I go to bed my brain will still be going on about something stupid like being being chased by zombies or something. I mean, really, how the hell are zombies even supposed to SEE where I am? There can’t be enough electricity generated in that brain to do much more than shuffle around, much less eat. And I bet their jaws would just fall off trying to bite through anyone’s skull anyway.
Oh, there I go. I’m thinking about zombies ALREADY. Why can’t I just think about something more pleasant? About whether to get my hair cut as short as Joel always suggests. Or about washing my car. Or about fixing the upstairs laundry sink. And there I go with the house projects. Maybe if I just heat my brain up or something. I’ll have to thing about which way to adjust the temperature.