Probably not much because I’ve just spent several hours trying to decrypt my mom’s handwriting so I can figure out what we donated to Goodwill last year. As you can imagine, it’s a bit of a mess. Not only is it in a foreign language, but my mom can’t even read her own writing. Yesterday was my blind panic trying to find all the fiddly slips of paper, and today is decoding some of them. Not all, mind you, since I gave up at some point.
Speaking of giving up, WASN’T I SUPPOSED TO BE ASLEEP BY NOW? Time to go lie down and see what my whirligig brain comes up with this time. Maybe something about going to Portland Closets. My fantasy life is awful tame lately.
Oh, and while the bears say I should cut all my hair off, two of my female friends suggested that I do not. I guess that means I have to get a normal haircut again. Now if I can only find the time.