My co-worker told me my strategy for long-term investing in my retirement account — putting everything into an index fund and leaving it the hell alone — wouldn’t work because I’d be checking it all the time. How little he knows me. I’m really quite content to just look at my statements once a quarter and say, “Huh. It went (up or down).” I should be more concerned about my investments, but I can’t be bothered. The more I poke at it, the lower it goes.
I suppose I should be more worried about my weight. I thought I’d put on five pounds but it seems that might have just been temporary and from all the drinking I did this weekend. I usually weigh myself in the morning, after I’m good and dehydrated, and I was up on Sunday after five whole hours of sleep and I think I was still quite pickled from the previous night. Today I seemed to be back to my usual 163-ish on my questionable bathroom scale and that’s what I was expecting. No need for a diet; bring on the cheeseburgers!
So I guess my strategy for long-term investing in my retirement (buying the lottery tickets) wouldn’t pass muster either?