Today should have been a normal day and a normal night. I started out a little slowly at the gym because I’m pretty tired but I wasn’t doing so bad. It’s burger night, too, and I had that to look forward to. It was just two of us, me and MattyG, so I wanted to step it up and try the bar burger at Paley’s Place, but Matty wanted to step it down and go to Hopworks. I think Hopworks has the best pub burger in town so it didn’t take too much to convince me to change my mind.
But before we went, we found one of the coaches flat on her back on the sidewalk with back cramps. Her muscles were actually twitching! Fortunately she was finally able to get into her car and, the last time I saw them, her boyfriend was driving her to the hospital.
After our burgers (good as always) and right after I dropped off Matty, my sister texted me and told me her dog appeared to have a stroke! I went to Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hospital where Deedle looked fine. I guess she’d peed and pooped in the lobby, but by the time I got there she was her usual self. Turns out dogs don’t have strokes and they think it was just old age leading to vestibular syndrome. It was sad seeing all the anxious people in the lobby, though, without their pets. We were sitting around with a silly basenji but everyone else had pets that were sick enough that they were in back being looked at while their owners waited outside.
On the way home from the hospital, I ran into my neighbors and gave them a ride home. Fortunately that was the end to my excitement for the day!
aw man. Poor Deedle! That sucks.