Back to the gym.

So there I was, in the locker room of the gym, surrounded by naked guys, and I really wanted to get out of there so I could start exercising (and have the cute girls sneer at me.) But I couldn’t! In the week-and-a-half since I’d last been to the gym, I forgot the combination to my lock. In my mind it was a mish-mash of the last two locks I had. (Both bought recently; I lost the first one.)

Fortunately, after twisting the thing around for a while I figured it out. I had the same problem on the way out. The guy standing next to me laughed and told me that was why he had to use a keyed padlock for his locker.

Oh, and my other fun for the day: since AT&T and TDMA are going the way of the dodo, I went to the AT&T Cingular store to see what deal they had for me. The phones weren’t that much fun and the plans were more expensive than, say, T-Mobile. But they did say that I’d get a new user deal if I explicitly switched from AT&T to Cingular. The worst part is that I’ve been such a “loyal customer” that my $29/mo plan gives me my original 60 minutes + 60 bonus minutes + 100 bonus minutes + 1000 weekend and evening minutes. And my evening starts earlier than others, at 8PM. I LOSE ALL THAT.

Oh, well, that’s progress for you.

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