The high point of my pathetic life is my Thursdays where I have a bacon cheeseburger with guys from the gym. It’s not always a sausagefest with me and Matty G but it can be. It makes up for the other nights where I just have a salad for dinner. Well today on the way to the gym I just felt like I was coming down with a cold. When I got there people noticed that it sounded like my nose was stuffed up. I had to just turn around and come home, and I was worried when I didn’t have that moment of energy like when you call in sick to work and feel energetic for a few minutes. Anyway, I’m at home and should be asleep already. If I had the option of staying home from work tomorrow instead of being buried, or if I wasn’t at an exercise seminar for eight hours on Saturday, I’d probably tough it out tonight. Instead, I’m bacon-cheeseburgerless.
Ah well. My life didn’t just start sucking at this moment, it’s just a steady sort of suck. The closest thing to romance I get is reading restaurant menus on the internet or maybe the closest thing to excitement is seeing a large-bottomed woman in high heels try to jump up and see over a grey cubicle wall. I’m not sure, but it’s not good.