You win this time, Strug!

OK, so when Carolyn came to visit, she took some pictures of a a foggy Forest Park. Well, this morning there was a beautiful fog over the river and I thought I’d take a picture with my new phone. I saw it in the screen, heard the little clicky sound the phone makes when it takes a picture, and then IT DIDN’T SAVE! I have to read the instructions again.

Well, at least the phone part of the phone works pretty well.

So, I did some calculations to see if this “walking to work” thing is worth it. I wear out a pair of shoes in about three months. In three months the bus would cost about ($1.25 * 4 days * 2 ways * 4 weeks * 3 months) or $120. (Only 4 days since I get a ride downtown a couple times a week.) And the shoes I buy are about the same amount, around $125. Maybe there are better shoes for walking than running shoes, but that’s just what I had handy. And the exercise can’t hurt.